Employment Opportunities at RDC!
Employment Opportunities at RDC!
Dear applicant:
Thank you for your interest in employment with Rockywold-Deephaven Camps (RDC). A family vacation camp since 1897, RDC has been providing its guests with a unique family living experience offering rustic simplicity, quality services, and an unsurpassed natural setting.
Rockywold-Deephaven Camps are highly regarded by their guests, staff and the resort community. The Camps are proud of their traditions and quality services, but most important to the success of RDC is the friendly and accommodating nature of their staff toward their guests and each other.
RDC is an equal opportunity employer. We're happy you are interested in joining us and look forward to receiving your application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Alex Chelstowski, HR Director at 603.968.3313 ex. 215 or e-mail at alex@rdcsquam.com
RDC Employment Application:
If you would like to apply for a summer staff position, please fill out the form to the left.
You will also need 3 submitted reference forms. Please give your references this link, to fill out online:
You may also download the application and reference forms below and mail them to RDC.
Printable Employee Information
Please submit 3 reference forms with your application.
RDC Staff Positions
Laundry Staff

Outside Crew
Boathouse Crew
are responsible for delivering rental boats to guest docks and maintaining safe boating at RDC. Duties include: delivering and setting up boats, performing routine maintenance and repairs, teaching basic boating instruction, pumping boat gas, tracking boat rental billing, and operating commercial boats.
Food Service

is RDC's game room and store for snacks, sundries and sporting goods. Duties include: recording bike rentals; communicating regularly with the Finance Manager to confirm accuracy of daily deposits and charges; keeping an accurate inventory of retail items, restocking when necessary; and monitoring activity in the adjacent game room.
Wee Campers

Recreation Committee
Office Staff
RDC Photo Gallery