View from Honeymoon

This is the view of the mountains north of Squam from Honeymoon’s dock on February 19th, 2010.  Most of the recent snow has melted and it has turned cold and windy today.  I love the way Red Pines look against the sky and this particular tree has seen its...

View from Mt. Morgan

Here is the view of Squam from Mt. Morgan on Valentine’s Day. Photo by John Jurczynski

RDC 2009 Photo Contest

1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Scenery Fun & Adventure Flora & Fauna Off Season Congratulation to the winners and thanks to everyone for submitting great photographs to the RDC Photo Contest. Click here for the 2010 RDC Photo Contest...

Custom Made RDC Fire Place Screens

Jon Spence has been designing and creating new fire place screens with the RDC logo for some of the larger fireplaces around camp – this one is for the Playhouse.

Squam Weather

Just checked the Squam weather forcast, guess the January Thaw is over! A little snow and wind chill values in the negative numbers are coming for the weekend!